
2023-01 New Service Scheduling API

We just added a new endpoint to consult the amount of work scheduled for any given day.


2022-12 New Service Orders API

We are now providing a simple API to list all existing service orders or get detailed information about a single one.


2022-10 Rate Limiting Update

We've released the following updates to our rate limiting solution:


2022-05 Webhook and WooCommerce IP Changes

Originally our originating IPs for our webhooks and WooCommerce integration was just 1 IP apiece. With the increasing number of clients using these we have had to increase the number of possible IPs these can originate from. The complete list is now:


2022-05 New Price Books API

With this release, you can now use a PUT method when updating the products in a Price Book.


2021-12 New Custom Field Features

We've just released a couple of enhancements to Custom Fields.


2021-09 New Serial Numbers API

We are now providing a simple API for both reading and writing serial numbers.


2021-08 New Workflow Events

With the introduction of two new Workflow events, you can new register rules to be triggered
when a sale is created and when it is updated.


2021-06 Third Party Billing API Updated

This update contains new functionality for updating a third party billing subscription as well as a tutorial for its basic use. This functionality is currently in BETA and we'd love for you to try it out, so that anything you build with Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) is as easy to buy as possible. This new functionality will allow you to manage subscriptions for Apps you build using our Core APIs, or extensions you build using Workflows. If you'd like to use this new API, please contact [email protected] and we can help get you onboard.


2021-05 New Third Party Billing API

This update contains specifications for third party billing APIs as well as a tutorial for their basic use. These are new APIs currently in BETA and we'd love for you to try them out so you that anything you build with Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) is as easy to buy as possible. These APIs will allow you to manage subscriptions for Apps you build using our Core APIs, or extensions you build using Workflows. If you'd use these APIs, please contact [email protected] and we can help get you onboard