2025-03 Adjustments array improvement for Sales API
Several improvements for the adjustments
array in the Sales API:
2025-03 Refresh Token Flow Update
In August 2024, we notified integrators about an upcoming change to the refresh token flow. As of March 2025, this change has been gradually rolling out.
2025-03 Line Item Fulfillment Sales
On Nov 13, 2024, the Line Item Fulfillment Sales feature started rolling out gradually. The rollout was generally available as of Dec 09, 2024. This feature allows you to specify the fulfillment type at the line item level when creating sales so that you can have a mix of non-fulfillment and fulfillment line items in a single sale. Note that this feature does not add support for multiple different fulfillment types (ex. pickup and dispatch) within a single sale. All line items with a specified fulfillment type must have the same fulfillment type.
2024-10 New Shifts Endpoint Added
On Oct 17, 2024, the list shifts endpoint was rolled out to query shifts from timeclock.
2024-09 Deprecation of Button Order on Variants
This release brings some changes to how variants are ordered. The system now automatically orders the variants based on the variant attributes and values of the product family. For example, if the product family has attribute values of Color: Red, Green, Blue
and Size: S, M
, then variants are ordered by Red
first, then Green
then Blue
. Within Red
, variant Red / S
is ordered before Red / M
2024-07 Adding `name` query param alongside existing 'family_name'
We've updated the /api/2.0/products endpoint by adding 'name' as a query parameter alongside the existing 'family_name'. This change aims to align the parameter with the field in the API response and enhance clarity. Now, you can use either 'name' or 'family_name' to retrieve products with the name from this query param. This query typically retrieves all products from one family.
2024-07 Introducing the `family name` based products lookup
We have introduced a new family_name
parameter to the /api/2.0/products
endpoint that allows you to fetch products based on a product family name.
2024-06 Removing product endpoints from v0.9 API
As was communicated to users in February, we are sunsetting the deprecated product endpoints in the v0.9 API.
2024-05 On Account Fulfillment Sales
On May 10, 2024, the On Account Fulfillment Sales feature started rolling out gradually and was completed on May 28, 2024.
This feature allows fulfillment sales to be paid on account.