Find gift card

Finds and returns the given card number. Returns a 404 if the card does not exist.

Within the gift card structure returned is the field giftcardtransactions which contains a list of all the transactions associated with the gift card. In this this list you will see one or more of the following statuses:

  • "ACTIVATION" - This transaction type is added automatically when the gift card is created. The amount will be the initial balance that was loaded onto the gift card.
  • "REDEEMING" - This status indicates the customer used their gift card to pay for one or more items. The amount MUST be negative.
  • "IMPORTING" - You should only see this if gift cards were imported into the gift card system.
  • "VOIDING" - You will see this status if the gift card has been voided. Note that the balance of the card is set to zero when the gift card is voided.
  • "EXPIRING" - This transaction is added automatically when the gift card expires. Again note that the balance is set to zero when the gift card expires.
  • "REVERSING" - This status indicates that a given transaction was reversed.
  • "RELOADING" - This status means that more credit was loaded onto the gift card.
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