2025-03 Line Item Fulfillment Sales
On Nov 13, 2024, the Line Item Fulfillment Sales feature started rolling out gradually. The rollout was generally available as of Dec 09, 2024. This feature allows you to specify the fulfillment type at the line item level when creating sales so that you can have a mix of non-fulfillment and fulfillment line items in a single sale. Note that this feature does not add support for multiple different fulfillment types (ex. pickup and dispatch) within a single sale. All line items with a specified fulfillment type must have the same fulfillment type.
The Register Sales API 0.9 create or update a register sale endpoint now supports specifying fulfillment_type
on the line_items objects when creating sales.
To determine if a sale line item has been marked for fulfillment, you must retrieve the picklists (open/unfulfilled fulfillments) and fulfillments (closed/fulfilled fulfillments) associated with the sale ID. As a reminder, when a sale is fulfilled, the pick list is deleted.
The picklists for a sale can be retrieved using the list sale picklists endpoint.
The fulfillments for a sale can be retrieved using the list sale fulfillments endpoint.
If a sale line item is not returned by either the picklist or fulfillment endpoints, then that item was not marked for fulfillment.
The Fulfillments tutorial has been updated to document line item fulfillment flows.