
2024-07 Introducing the `family name` based products lookup

We have introduced a new family_name parameter to the /api/2.0/products endpoint that allows you to fetch products based on a product family name.


2024-06 Removing product endpoints from v0.9 API

As was communicated to users in February, we are sunsetting the deprecated product endpoints in the v0.9 API.


2024-05 On Account Fulfillment Sales

On May 10, 2024, the On Account Fulfillment Sales feature started rolling out gradually and was completed on May 28, 2024.
This feature allows fulfillment sales to be paid on account.


2024-05 Introducing the new SKU based product lookup

With the pending removal of the legacy product APIs, we have introduced a new sku parameter to the /api/2.0/products endpoint that allows you to fetch a product based on a SKU rather than an id.


2024-04 Deprecation of domain for API access

Starting in January 2024, Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) stores were migrated from the domain to new URLs in the domain. This is one of the final steps in our journey to integrate Vend into Lightspeed, paving the way for a unified commerce platform under the Lightspeed brand.


2024-03 Changes in Update and Delete of Consignment Products

Changes to Delete an item from a consignment


2024-03 Consignment API 2.0 Updates

There are several updates to the API 2.0 consignment apis, particularly regarding purchase orders.


2024-02 Service Order Items Changes

It's now possible to list service items.


2024-01 2.1 API Promotion

The 2.1 products API is now out of beta.


2023-11 Delete user sessions endpoint

A new API 2.0 endpoint have been added to
delete all sessions and personal tokens for a user.