Status | Description |
SAVED | Represents a, so called, parked sale. This is one of the "pending" sale statuses. A sale in this status can still have line items, payments and customer data added to it. This sale will typically transition into a CLOSED state at some point. |
CLOSED | This a typical status for a finalized sale. Once the sale is marked as closed the inventory count for products associated with it will be decreased. The status of a closed sale should ONLY every be transitioned into VOIDED . |
ONACCOUNT | Another "pending" status. For retailers, it usually represents a sale where all the line-items are added when the sale is initialized, but it's not paid in full when goods leave the store. After the sale is paid off, the status should be transitioned to ONACCOUNT_CLOSED . This kind of sale will reduce the inventory . |
ONACCOUNT_CLOSED | Represents a an ONACCOUNT sale that was paid in full. Like a CLOSED sale, it should only every been transitioned to VOIDED . If the retailer uses the XERO integration ONACCOUNT sales will be transferred to XERO as separate invoices. |
LAYBY | The last "pending" status. The difference between an ONACCOUNT and LAYBY sale is almost entirely in the way they are treated by the retailer. For LAYBY sales, the good usually leave the store after the sale is paid in full. |
LAYBY_CLOSED | A closed, fully paid off LAYBY sale. |
AWAITING_DISPATCH | Represents a sale that is awaiting shipping. Typically a sale received from e-commerce. |
AWAITING_PICKUP | Represents a sale that is awaiting customer pickup. Typically a sale received from e-commerce. |
DISPATCHED_CLOSED | A sale that was previously AWAITING_DISPATCH has now been shipped. |
PICKED_UP_CLOSED | A sale that was previously AWAITING_PICKUP has now been picked up. |
SERVICE | Represents a sale that contains one or more labour items. This sale will typically transition into SERVICE_CLOSED status at some point. |
SERVICE_CLOSED | Represents a sale that contains one or more labour items and has been fully paid and complete. The status of a closed service sale should ONLY every be transitioned into VOIDED . |
VOIDED | A "cancelled" sale. After a sale is marked as VOIDED , all the line-itmes associated with it will be returned into inventory and all payments will be deleted. After marking a sale as VOIDED it shouldn't be transitioned into any other state. |
Updated almost 2 years ago