Activating a Subscription
Third Party Billing - activating a subscription
Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) now supports adding apps to a retailer's existing billing profile. This makes life easier for our retailers, allowing them to consolidate their billing in one place. It also makes life easier for our integrators, as we handle all the complexities of billing on your behalf, allowing you to focus on developing a great integration.
If you'd use these APIs, please contact [email protected] and we can help get you onboard
Example Flow
This is the step by step flow a partner should follow when activating a third party billing subscription.
1. Retailer authenticates with Lightspeed Retail (X-Series)
Before a retailer can subscribe to your app you should first get them to authenticate using our API. Please refer to our authorization documentation to see how to do this.
Connecting your application to a Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) Retailer Account
We will need the access_token
generated from it for authorization in every API call in the following steps. Also, all API calls should be made against the retailer's domain as the base URL, for example, https://<<domain_prefix>>
2. Retailer wants to subscribe to your app
2.1 Get a token for new subscription
A retailer wants to use your app with Lightspeed Retail (X-Series). They reach a page on your website in order to activate a new subscription. For example, you may have an "Activate" button on your website. When they click "Activate", you should make an API (POST
) call to /api/2.0/partner/billing/token
to get a token. In the body of this request, you need to specify all the information required for a new subscription, including product_handle
, price_handle
, and components
if you want any, and return_url
which will be redirected to after retailer accepts the subscription successfully in step 3. You may also use a coupon by the coupon_code
field to offer some discount to your retailer. Please refer to the spec of /api/2.0/partner/billing/token
for more details.
This endpoint will return you a token representing your request to create a new subscription.
"token": "0a7e36eb05a94bf1a4d3daeff0f561f9",
"expires_in": "86400",
"expires_at": "expires_at"
REMINDER: Don't forget to put your
in the HTTP header for authorization
Authorization: Bearer <your access_token>
2.2 Retailer confirms the new subscription
Once successfully get the token in step 2.1, you should then use this token to redirect the user to /billing/partner-consent?token={token}
This page will prompt the user to consent to adding your app to their Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) bill. For the marshmallow product this looks like the image below.
NOTE: This is an HTTP REDIRECT instead of an API call
3. Retailer accepts subscription
When a user consents to adding your app to their bill by clicking the "Accept" button in the page prompted in step 2.2, we will make a call to our backend and add your plan to their bill.
Once this has successfully completed we will redirect the user to the return_url
you provided when you generated your token in the step 2.1. We attach the following query parameters to this return_url
to help you with any reconciliation you might want to do.
Parameter | Description |
retailer_id | The id of the retailer who just consented to subscribe to your app |
subscription_id | The id of the subscription that was just created |
An example of the url will look something like this
These parameters can be used against our API to get information about the subscription you just created. For example, you can get the subscription data by subscription_id
from /api/2.0/partner/billing/subscriptions/{subscription_id}
endpoint. Please reference the Third Party Billing API Reference for a complete spec of all available APIs.
Once this flow has been completed the token you generated in step 2.1 will be invalidated and cannot be used again.
You will hence have to generate a token per new subscription you want to create.
It is also important to note that tokens expire after 24 hours.
Error Handling
In some cases we will redirect a retailer back to your return url with some error parameters. It is highly recommended that you handle these cases in the flow you implement.
This is an example of how the URL will look like:
Error Code Mappings
Error Code | Error Message | When |
500000 | Token not provided | Didn't provide a token when redirecting a retailer to the consent flow. |
500001 | Token is used | The token provided in the consent flow has already been used. |
500002 | Token is expired | The token provided in the consent flow has expired. (Tokens expire after 24 hours) |
500003 | Token is invalid | We couldn't find the token you provided for the consent flow in our backend. |
500004 | Retailer does not have a Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) subscription | A retailer tried to activate the subscription but has an inactive Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) account. |
500005 | Retailer does not have a Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) subscription | A retailer tried to activate the subscription but did not have a Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) subscription. |
500006 | Retailer does not have a paid Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) subscription | A retailer tried to activate the subscription but is on a free Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) plan. |
500007 | Retailer does not have a payment profile associated with their subscription | A retailer tried to activate the subscription but did not have a payment method associated with their Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) account. |
500008 | Retailer has an existing subscription for this partner | A retailer tried to activate the subscription but was already subscribed to a product by the same third party. |
500009 | Product not found for currency | A retailer tried to activate a subscription but the product does not support the retailer's current billing currency. |
500010 | Retailer rejected consent | A retailer rejects activating a subscription. |
500011 | Failed to create subscription | We failed to create the subscription on our side. |
500012 | Retailer subscription is not active | A retailer tried to activate a subscription that is not active. |
500100 | Product handle not found | The desired product doesn't match anything in Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) side. |
500101 | Product price point handle not found for currency | The product is missing a price point entry in Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) for the desired currency. |
500102 | Token string creation process failed | An unexpected failure occurred while trying to generate the URL token. |
500103 | Token insertion to DB failed | The generated URL token couldn't be inserted into Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) database. |
500104 | Component handle not found | The desired component doesn't match anything in Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) side. |
500105 | Component quantity must be positive | The component quantity is not a positive number. |
500106 | Component price point handle not found | The component is missing a price point entry in Lightspeed Retail (X-Series). |
500107 | Duplicate components in payload | Several of the same components are used in the payload. |
500108 | Invalid coupon code | Coupon code is invalid when you create a new subscription token. |
500109 | Product or price point must be different to the current subscription | A retailer tries to update 3PB subscription but both product and price point are the same as current subscription. |
500110 | Component quantity must be different to the current subscription's component quantity | A retailer tries to change component subscription but the quantity is the same as current value. |
500111 | Product price point is required if product handle is specified | A retailer tries to change product but price point handle is not provided. |
500112 | Retailer is not authorized to act on this PartnerSubscriptionToken | A retailer tries to call 3PB API with an invalid authorization token. |
500113 | Updating product and components at the same time is not supported yet | When updating a subscription a retailer can update either their plan or add/remove components, but not both. |
500114 | Product handle and components are empty | The retailer must supply either a product plan to update to, or components to add or remove. |
Updated 10 months ago