Data Security
Data security
In an effort to ensure the safety of customer's data, we have implemented a function which will automatically redacts all credit card related data coming into the API.
When the server detects credit card data on certain fields, it will be replaced with a generic non-alphanumeric character without reporting an error and a 200 OK
response will be returned.
Affected fields on API entities
- Customer
- first_name
- last_name
- company_name
- note
- postalAddress1
- postalAddress2
- postalCity
- postalPostcode
- postalState
- postalSuburb
- physicalAddress1
- physicalAddress2
- physicalCity
- physicalPostcode
- physicalState
- physicalSuburb
- customfield(1-4)
- Sale
- note
Updated over 3 years ago